Tim Kirby

Hey, I am Tim and I have been working with DUNCANS.TV for more than 2 years and I enjoy working on this website. "Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it." This has been my motive since the very beginning, it has made me achieve many milestones!

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Why Is It That People Keep Asking Does Roku Have Bluetooth? 

There is no Bluetooth preinstalled with Roku TV. Roku media streamers and Roku TVs TCL 6 series do not come with Bluetooth. You can still listen to it wirelessly. This is called private listening.  Listening to...

How To Reboot Roku Tv In Easy Steps  

Roku streaming devices are the gateway to the universe of viewing content with the best speed and quality. You can unplug the Roku and then reinstall the remote batteries along with the link and pairing...

Why Is My Firestick So Slow? 

Wherever you experience your firestick getting slow you will have to understand that it needs repair. The first thing you can do is restart the device and then reboot the system if it is not...

How To Change Hulu Password? 

There are certain general tips too for Hulu change email. By following the following steps you will be able to change the Hulu password from the current set password-  Go To the hulu.com/account pageGo to Your...

How To Stream Hulu On Discord? 

If you want to set up a Hulu party on Discord, you first must make a Discord Nitro account. Then you will have to go to the settings and switch on the Hulu option. It...

How To Play Phasmophobia On Oculus Quest 2

How To Play Phasmophobia On Oculus Quest 2: You may have known that you could play Phasmophobia on Oculus Quest 2 but had no idea how. Kinetic Games is working hard to give Phasmophobia an...

How To Add HBO Max To Hulu Full Guide

Browser: Visit Hulu Website → Username → Account → Add-ons → Manage Add-ons → HBO Max → Submit Hulu is a streaming service with a paid subscription. It offers a sizable selection of live channels and...

How To Cancel Hulu On Roku

Both your Hulu and Roku accounts can be used to cancel Hulu on Roku. You must log into your Roku account, select Manage subscription from the settings menu, and cancel your Hulu subscription. Through Your Roku...

How To Delete Apps On Firestick

You will have to highlight the app you want to remove. And click on Apps & Games using your Firestick remote. Your FireSTick TV has a menu that is called Apps which lets you down...



How To Fix It When Netflix Is Not Working On Roku

Roku devices allow customers to access free and paid video material on their televisions without a cable connection, catching up to the success of...

How To Airplay To Firestick?

Users can airplay to Firestick by opening the home screen in your Firestick and typing ‘Air Screen’ in the search bar. In this search...

How To Turn On Vizio Tv Without Remote

The most significant advantage of smart televisions over ordinary televisions is that they can be controlled without a remote. The majority of smart TVs...

How To Install Exodus On Kodi

You can install exodus for Kodi by using the official addon. Exodus on Kodi can be difficult to install because it is not an...

How To Leave A Review On Etsy?

Etsy is an online marketplace, founded on 18th June 2005. It is where people review various products. For reviewing your purchases on Etsy, you...